Saturday, August 9, 2008

High Chairs?

I think it's just about time for our family to purchase a high chair. Austin is no longer content to sit in his bouncer while we eat (at least not for longer than 5 or 10 minutes) and solid-eating time is right around the corner. So I'm looking for advice. Is a full-size high chair better or should I get one of those seats that strap onto a regular adult chair? Anybody have a specific brand/type they just love?


Anonymous said...

I have a Baby Trend one...I did a lot of research, and I liked how tightly it folded up, and that there was a recliner setting on the actual seat (I know, I know...a recliner for a baby!! But I actually used it. When Izaak was 5 mo. I had a Christmas cookie baking party, and I put him in there so that he could see what was going on, and he fell asleep for his nap right there, so we just laid it right on back for him!). It's actually sitting in my parents' attic right now. I'm sure you would like to buy your own, but if you would like to borrow mine for a test-run, you're welcome to!

Lenexicon said...

OK, I know nothing about high chairs. But I can't believe Austin is already ready for one! Wow!!

Aimee said...

We had a stand alone highchair for about a week before selling it to the local consignment shop. It took up way too much space in our small dining room and Aden hated it! The tray came too high (mid-chest)and he fussed every time we put him in it. We quickly moved to the type that you strap to a chair and we have never looked back! The one down side is that our seat didn't recline. That wasn't an issue with Aden (he was an early sitter-upper) but Jonathan didn't sit up until later and we had about 6 weeks of "quite messy" feeding times. They do make the strap on high chairs that recline though so perhaps you could try one of those...but if not, in the long run, what's six weeks? However, I would take your friend up on her offer to let you try theirs out. You may find that a true stand alone highchair works well for you. Also you may decide that you want one of the strap on kind anyway for dinners out, etc. and since they're only $15-$20 it's not a huge investment and who knows, you may end up like us...using it ALL THE TIME. We actually have two, one for each boy! =)

Aimee said...

We had a stand alone highchair for about a week before selling it to the local consignment shop. It took up way too much space in our small dining room and Aden hated it! The tray came too high (mid-chest)and he fussed every time we put him in it. We quickly moved to the type that you strap to a chair and we have never looked back! The one down side is that our seat didn't recline. That wasn't an issue with Aden (he was an early sitter-upper) but Jonathan didn't sit up until later and we had about 6 weeks of "quite messy" feeding times. They do make the strap on high chairs that recline though so perhaps you could try one of those...but if not, in the long run, what's six weeks? However, I would take your friend up on her offer to let you try theirs out. You may find that a true stand alone highchair works well for you. Also you may decide that you want one of the strap on kind anyway for dinners out, etc. and since they're only $15-$20 it's not a huge investment and who knows, you may end up like us...using it ALL THE TIME. We actually have two, one for each boy! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Courtney,
This is Tabbby Kremer from high school..I found your website linked from the class reunion site...I have 2 boys 5 and 2...we have also used both and found that even the stand alone ones that fold up take up too much space...we use the kind that strap to the chair...and now it even works as a great booster now that our youngest is too big for a actualy high chair...I too would recommend one that reclines. Anyway...would love to hear more from you abut how life and the family are please email me.