Saturday, January 3, 2009

For all the P and P fans out there

I know a decent chunk of my readership are fans of Pride and Prejudice; a decent chunk are also members of Facebook. And since I joined Facebook only yesterday, it seems a most wonderful coincidence that I found this link today, and I just can't resist sharing. So here you go: Pride and Prejudice, the Facebook news feed version. It had me laughing out loud.

1 comment:

Sayling the Range said...

Hi! Ranger actually hasn't gotten into the pig that much yet, maybe in a few more months. He also received the toy Austin got--the 3 sports/basketball hoop thing. He's more interested in that, but Saylor's the one who puts the ball in the hoop--the "music" is a little loud on that toy don't you think?! oh well, eardrums are overrated anyway. ;)