Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Few Random Pictures that Illustrate Our Week

It has been a rough few days around the Collins household. Austin, my MIL Becky who was visiting, and myself all got sick with a stomach bug Saturday night. Austin and I have gotten a little better every day and thankfully Becky felt better on Monday when she had to fly home but then Zach got sick in the middle of Monday night. He stayed home yesterday but was able to go back to work today. I am feeling mostly better and spent today trying to bring some semblance of order back to my home, although I am now exhausted from the effort.

Austin has been in a remarkably good mood the past few days, despite his illness. He enjoyed his time with Gran a lot.

I made these cookies Saturday night. They are delicious. I haven't eaten a single one since then! If that's not proof that I'm not feeling well, I don't know what is.

This is what happens to your laundry when your whole family gets sick. No joke, I bet I have changed Austin's clothes a dozen times in the last two days. I think I did about half of these loads today. More laundry fun tomorrow!

This is for all you SoCal folks who keep taunting me with your "I'm really enjoying the 80 degree weather" Facebook status updates. (I love you all!) Do YOU have icicles like that? Didn't think so. Anyway, as you can see, we've had a wee bit of snow around here. Too bad I didn't aim the camera a bit more to the'd see the thermometer on our back porch reading about 10 degrees when I stepped outside to take the picture.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Oh dear. Feel better, Courtney and family! We're in the midst of a family illness too, but it's more of the flu-ish type. In fact, Josh and I are both seeing the doctor to day at 11. Imagine what laundry looks like when the normal routine is derailed for a family of 6! Scary.

I love your icicles; how pretty! Take it easy and stay warm!