Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just some pictures

It's been awhile so I thought I'd post some pictures of what Austin has been up to the past few weeks. His grandparents are probably getting anxious, after all.

Sometimes I think I put things away just to give Austin something to do--he loves to "unpack."

He is so happy to be mobile.

Getting along famously with the big kids at our end-of-the-year tuba studio party.

Being silly at the dinner table. I will unashamedly say we encouraged this behavior (for one night only) so we could get the cute picture.

A rare moment of sitting still.

Austin actually played happily on this blanket for about 30 minutes while Zach and I did yardwork. Then he started crawling around, playing with dirt, grabbing tools, trying to climb the porch steps...and we decided it was naptime.


Gran Collins said...

Yes, the grandparents were anxious. Thanks for posting the pics!!!!! They are precious!

Love, Gran

Aimee said...

I see SO much of his mama in the picture of him crawling! How fun!

Grandma Susan said...

How cute!!! It's fun to see him in his new Summer clothes. He looks like he's having so much fun outside. Bugs and dirt...YUM!