Friday, May 8, 2009


Zach and I remodeled our pantry today. Okay, mostly Zach. I emptied it and measured it but he did everything else. Anyway, this was an exciting day for me. Our pantry is good-sized but before today the space was just not used well. Too much empty space, not enough shelves. Every time I came home from the grocery store I would have to cram in my purchases, and if it didn't fit I ended up storing it on our guest bed. We finally did something about this and I am thrilled with the result!


I went to the grocery store this morning and I could go again tonight and there would still be room for our food! So nice!

1 comment:

Missouri MOM said...

Looks good. It's always nice to get some other area of your home organized. It inspires me to keep working on that.