Monday, April 27, 2009

Ridiculous? I Think So.

Austin went to the doctor a week and a half ago for his 12 month checkup. Seemed like a pretty normal visit: weight, height, scheduled vaccines, etc. The diaper rash we've been dealing with on and off for months had flared up again, so Dr. Jabir recommended hydrocortisone cream again and said to call her if it didn't work.

I got my "Explanation of Benefits" this weekend from the insurance company and noticed that they were billed for both a preventive care visit and and an outpatient/office visit. I thought that was odd so I called the person in charge of billing to see if there had been a mistake. Turns out, Austin's rash (or anything else, however minor, that represents a less than 100% healthy child) that gets looked at during a regular visit gets charged like a separate visit. My insurance was charged an extra $55 for something that took less than 30 seconds of the doctor's time! Does that seem a little shady to anyone else? No wonder health insurance is so outrageously expensive.


Grandma Susan said...

That is truly outrageous! I was there and it was 30 seconds at most. She didn't even take an extra "diagnostic" look at it. Do you think she would charge the same if you didn't have insurance? Things like that might prevent a parent from bringing up any concerns if insurance wasn't picking up the tab.

Drollingers said...

Don't even talk to me about health insurance. It is maddening!!! We pay up the wazoo being self employed and yes they find every way to just get more money from you.

On another note, austin is just adorable and I can't believe how much he has grown. I love his haircut. He looks like a little boy.

Lindsey said...

Four children and countless well-child visits, and that has NEVER happened to us. I would certainly express your disappointment to the office manager. It could be that someone who didn't know better (is new?) entered the codes. Codes get entered wrong all the time...and, they can be refiled. You should request that they change that claim.

Happy Birthday Austin! Boy, doesa year fly by!