Friday, April 3, 2009

Quick Trip to Texas

Our family traveled to Texas last weekend for Zach's Aunt Debbie's wedding. We flew into DFW around midnight Thursday (remind me never to do that again with a young child) and then drove down to Austin Friday morning. The weather was springy, the wedding was beautiful, and we enjoyed catching up with some family we hadn't seen in a few years. Zach had to leave early Sunday morning to get back to work, but Austin and I stuck around with Gran and Pops until Tuesday. It was a fun and relaxing trip but over way too quickly.

Austin pretending to be an airplane the day before we left.

Austin playing with an airplane in the kids' area at the Pittsburgh airport. I tell you, every airport should have a place like this.

Technically it is still a week until Austin's birthday, but since we were with family we cheated a bit and celebrated his birthday early.

Little boy, big present.

Austin ate a bit of his cake but mostly he enjoyed squeezing it in his hands.

I'm sure this is what the hotel had in mind when they put laundry baskets in the closet!
Three handsome Collins men

We ate breakfast with Zach's cousin Josh and his family. Here are Austin and his nine month old second cousin Anthony getting to know each other.

My college buddy Heather lives in Austin so we got together for lunch.

Hands down, my favorite development of the last few weeks is Austin learning to give hugs!

Okay, this isn't from the trip...I stacked some blocks for Austin today, then he did it himself! Pretty cool to see how he is figuring out new things like that all the time.


Aimee said...

Ugh! I can't believe Austin is already almost one and we still haven't met him =( We miss you in CA!

Lenexicon said...

Love the cake picture! Can't wait to come visit you guys - less than a week to go!