Monday, March 29, 2010

"No Whiney!"

Austin has a new phrase...

We think he's saying "No whining," which would make a lot of sense, since he hears that phrase, oh, maybe a hundred times a day or so. :) He's listening to his mother's instruction! Now, is he putting her wise words into action...? We'll get back to you on that.

This is unrelated, but as I was trying to get Austin to say his new phrase he noticed the camera and put on a little show. (Our camera has a viewfinder that can flip around to face the front so he could see himself.) I thought it was pretty funny.

By the way, both videos are really short, but for some reason when I rendered them in our editing software it edited in a bunch of empty space at the end. Not worth redoing the whole project, but I don't want anybody watching a blank screen waiting for something exciting to happen.

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

Those are hilarious! Can't wait to see him "perform" in person!