Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Walker at Last

Esther started taking a few steps weeks ago but she was in no hurry to become a real walker. Maybe she heard the pediatrician tell me on Thursday to call her if she didn't start walking in the next 4-6 weeks.  At any rate, something motivated her this weekend and she really took off. Now Austin tells me a dozen times a day "Look, Mommy, Esther's walking."  Yeah, Austin, she is, and about time!


Gran Collins said...

Yea, Esther!!!!! Can't wait to see that walking in person! I imagine it will actually be running by the time we get there in 2 weeks! I want to see the kids chasing each other around the circle! Love those sweet grandkids!

Grandma Susan said...

I can't believe it---I was with her for 15 days and she waits until I am gone for a few days to take off??? Maybe she figured since Grandma wasn't there to carry her, she better start walking. So cute---I love it!!!