Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Search the Scriptures

Since Christmas I've been using a book called Search the Scriptures in my quiet time each day. (Thanks for telling me about it, Ashley.) The book takes you through every verse in Scripture in three years, with two or three questions every day about the passage you've read. I just finished the first part of the book, 25 studies which take you through Luke 1:1-9:56, and already I've dealt with questions like "What is the purpose of salvation?" and "What is the cause, nature, and outcome of repentance?" There are also a lot of personal application questions. It has been so helpful for me to have questions like that to focus on as I read the Bible. I am thinking more deeply about the things I read and how they apply to my life.

As a lot of you know, moving away from Grace Church and the amazing preaching there has been a challenging transition for me and Zach. God has really used this time to bring me back to the importance of my own personal study of His Word, though. I am growing in the faith that He and His Word are truly sufficient for me. Church can be a blessing (and I certainly believe He wants us to be part of a church), but it is possible to rely on church too much for growth, a pattern that was very easy for me to fall into in California. Now I am relying more on Him to teach me from His word and I'm seeing the blessings of deeper personal worship.

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