Friday, February 11, 2011


Do you, like me, wake up in the morning and think "today is the day I'm going to accomplish X, Y, and Z plus a whole lot more"? And you really believe you can do it. And then twelve hours later you're putting the kids to bed and thinking "gee, what exactly did I do today, cause it sure wasn't the things I hoped to do?" That is me just about every day. I even made a little post-it note list today to try to stay on track. I managed to cross off three items, another is half done, and the rest...well, obviously I'm blogging right now and not cleaning my bathroom sinks.

Keeping two little people alive and well is a lot of work, period. Lately I've been tempted to feelings of failure because my home is not as clean as I'd like and I have so many unfinised projects. But I was listening to a message yesterday that my pastor gave at a parenting class and it really encouraged me. He said our job as parents is to pass on our worldview (who God is and who we are in relationship to Him) and to prepare our children for Judgment Day. Wow. I guess that's a little more important than a clean sink.

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