Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Solid food that's...well, solid

Esther ate her first finger food today, sweet potato-flavored cereal puffs. (As an aside, is this the right time to introduce finger foods? I think Austin was older, and he didn't do very well with them for several weeks, but maybe that was just him.) As is apparent in the video, Esther did just fine. Surprised us how fast she figured out how to get the food to her mouth, in fact. Is there anything cuter than a baby trying to stick her whole fist in her mouth because she knows food is in there somewhere? I love it.

Esther ate cereal while we ate dinner tonight, keeping herself amused nicely. She amused us too, though...I looked over and saw this:


mama cindy said...

She looks so much like Austin in the video. Precious.

Grandma Susan said...

Are those Austin "sneaky fingers" stealing cheerios from his sister? I bet Esther just laughed. So cute!