Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cloth Babies

Call us crazy, but we started cloth diapering the twins today. I've been contemplating the switch for a few weeks and finally realized life is never going to settle down enough to really feel like it's the ideal time; might as well give it a go. As Zach pointed out, if it just goes terribly (i.e. laundry piling up to the ceiling) we can always quit and go back to disposables. In fact, I've never thought we'd manage to do cloth full time with two babies. If we can manage half time or better I'll consider it a success. Think about it: using cloth half the time is the equivalent of buying disposables for one baby and you know how expensive that is! So every little bit of time spent in cloth helps our budget.

Joshua and Jude are big enough now to fit well in our diapers. Pretty cute, huh? In a fussy sort of way. They had just had baths and were impatient to be dressed/held/fed. But still cute of course.



I realize I sound pretty optimistic about this whole thing today. Let's see how I feel in a few days when the lots-of-extra-laundry part of cloth diapering kicks in.


Lenexicon said...

Good luck with the cloth! I am confident you can handle it, especially on a part-time basis!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how this is working out, a couple of weeks into it. Grandpa Russ