Monday, July 16, 2012

"Hoo's Hoo?"

So, can you tell our twins apart?

No? Maybe look from a different angle.

Still no? Twin on the left is getting concerned.

Might even cry about it.

Okay, you can relax. Because the truth is, we can barely tell the twins apart ourselves. Twelve weeks ago I was sure I'd be able to tell them apart easily by now but they are pretty much, well, identical. Each baby has a little red birthmark (Jude on his eyelid, Joshua on his left side) but they are hard or impossible to see in pictures, or in Joshua's case when he's wearing clothes. So...use the pacis. Works for us.*

Joshua and his monkey on the left, Jude and his giraffe on the right.

*Yeah, we know, soon they'll be able to grab each other's pacis. If Jude's birthmark fades by then we're in trouble.

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

Such cute pictures. I sure miss snuggling those little guys---even though (without the pacis) I can't tell them apart. Sigh...maybe one of these days????