Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Year Old Esther

Here is Esther's two-year birthday post, a mere three weeks late.

So Esther had a birthday! Since she's our little monkey girl, we celebrated with these.

Thanks again to Laura for teaching me how to make them!
All at once! My girl is not one to hold back where sugar is involved. Now
where did she get that from? :)

We opened gifts.

"We" of course including eager participation from the big brother.

Eager to try out her new sleeping bag!

Little fashionista...she just couldn't wait to try on her new clothes.

Letting pink baby try out the new doll accessories.

Then purple baby. I love hearing her say things like "pink baby turn," then
"purple baby turn" a few minutes later. Clearly around here we are familiar
 with the idea that babies have to take turns sometimes.
Two year old Esther is such a joyful part of our lives! She is a doll-mothering, dirt-playing, pretend-cooking, Duplo-building, "pitty-dess" wearing, couch-jumping, stroller-pushing, car-driving, dancing, snuggling little ball of energy. No lack of personality in this little girl!

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

That is such an accurate description of Esther---girly sometimes but won't be outdone by the boys. Love that little girl!