Friday, July 20, 2012

Once a monkey, always a monkey

You might remember that we fondly refer to Esther as our monkey girl because she is such a climber and has been since she could move. I guess she likes the nickname! Here's a little conversation I had with her this morning:

Esther: (jumping on the couch)

Me: Esther, sit down please.

Esther: I naht-ney! (I'm a monkey!)

Me: Well, the monkey needs to sit down.

Esther: (sits down)

A few minutes later...

Esther: (jumping on the couch)

Me: Esther, sit down.

Esther: I naht-ney!

Me: Even monkeys need to obey their mommies.

Esther: (sits down) Soh-ee! (Sorry!)

Oh, how she makes me smile! Here's a little video from a few days ago, since I don't have any pictures of the monkey jumping on the couch.

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

Sweet---wish the video was longer!