Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Austin's First Days

Zach has been responsible for the last few posts, but I am back as a blogger for at least a few minutes...Austin just got fed, changed, and put down for a nap so I'll grab a couple minutes for an update while I can.

So what do I say? After years of waiting I am finally a mommy and Zach is a daddy and we are thrilled! Tired, but thrilled. I still have lots of moments when I look at Austin and think "My goodness, this is the child that grew inside me for eight and a half months! What a miracle!" And as tiny as he seems in even his newborn clothes, I can't believe he fit inside me only a few days ago.

After the first 24 hours of his life, Austin has become a good eater. I was fortunate enough to be visited by a lactation consultant on Friday and she helped us straighten out some problems with his latch. Unfortunately I am still a bit sore from the poor latch he had for the first day but I think it's getting better. Thank you, California friends, for getting me the My Brest Friend...it really is a great product and is keeping me comfortable.

Austin is also a good sleeper...if someone is holding him. Not so good alone in his crib or pack n play. I have spent many hours the past few nights holding my just-fed sleeping baby, gingerly walking across the room to place him in the crib, going across the hall and climbing into my own bed, and returning five or ten minutes later because my son is unhappily wailing. He just thrashes around, swaddled or not, like he can't get comfortable and calm. Sigh. (Or cry; I've done a fair amount of that in the last few days.) I sure don't expect to be getting a normal amount of sleep for the next few months, but I would be getting a lot more if Austin actually fell asleep after he eats at night instead of crying or being rocked for two or three hours.

But there may be hope. We (Mom and I) decided to try propping Austin up semi-sideways against a rolled-up blanket today for his naps and he seems really comfortable in that position. So I got online and investigated sleep positioners that would help him sleep on his side safely. Luckily we found one that Walmart carries so my mom went and got it this afternoon. (I dislike Walmart quite a bit, so it is a sign of my tired desperation that I was willing to buy one there rather than wait a few days to order one online from Babies R Us.) Austin is taking his first nap in it right now and seems happy. We'll see if this allows mommy and Austin both to get more sleep tonight.

One other valuable skill that Austin apparently has is sleeping through Daddy's tuba playing. Yea! Zach started out by playing while Austin was eating, and now he's playing during Austin's nap and that precious little boy is not bothered a bit. I was slightly worried because Zach's music room is directly below Austin's room. It's two floors underneath, but with our hardwood floors quite a bit of sound comes up. Luckily there does not seem to be a problem with this issue so crucial to our family.

Besides being tired, I am feeling pretty good. My stitches must be healing well because I am hardly sore at all. I am achieving new lows of personal hygiene...I didn't brush my teeth today until about 3pm, took no shower, and if I don't smell too bad it is thanks to the deodorant I put on yesterday morning. Oh well. I knew life would change, right?

Got to go. My wonderful mother (I am so thankful she's here) told me dinner is minutes away. Thanks for all the kind comments. The three of us feel very loved!


Aimee said...

I love it! Your writing really captures the things we go through those first few days/weeks. I can especially relate to the personal hygiene stuff. Even now I feel like taking a shower and getting dressed before noon is an accomplishment! We're praying for you guys during this time of adjustment and we'll pray that the sleep positioner is just what the doctor ordered!

Anonymous said...

Yea for Courtney!! You're doing it--making all those thousands of sacrifices of personal comfort and even necessity to care for your child. It was just a few weeks ago that I had to not put Ranger down in his crib until I could make myself say,"I will willingly pick him back up." and then pray to the Lord the whole time I crept back to bed that He would be gracious and help me do just that--b/c I was getting so frustrated that Ranger wouldn't sleep soundly! But this too shall pass...by the way, I don't know if you are into pacifiers, but they've worked well for both my kids--and Aimee just turned me onto the Kiddopotamus swaddler blanket, Ranger sleeps better when swaddled in that rather than a regular blanket (although Saylor did not like to be swaddled...they are all different I guess!) I hope you find what works for Austin soon!

Lindsey said...

Oh you've captured it so well in this post! I pretty much held my babies all the time (it got a lot harder after the first, since there were little people to attend to) because like Austin, they did not want to be placed in the crib or pack-n-play to sleep. Leo did a fair amount of daytime sleeping in the swing (which I did not have with baby #1), but I also found using a sling (my favorite is the Maya Wrap, it cinches up around newborns perfectly) really helpful. Also, I never swaddled until baby #3, Damian, who just was more intense and struggled with sleeping more than the others. I found that the Miracle Blanket is the best swaddling blanket--I only wish you could get it at Babies R Us, but it's available online here:


LOL, I love going to that website and just watching the little video on the homepage--the baby being swaddled is so cute!

Austin is precious! I bet he is already used to the tuba music, since he's been hearing it in utero for his whole existence. ;)

Anonymous said...

Every word of your blog entry sounds so familiar. Your body is going through so much with your adjusting hormones, your lack/change of sleep patterns, and all the feeding that happens...plus trying to get back to what is normal. This is a huge change to life as you knew it. It's rewards are great - God reveals so much to us about ourselves (good and bad). Pray all the time for strength and wisdom - while you feed, do the dishes, in the shower...wherever and whenever. Remember how good God is to us. Yes, it will make you cry - and that's okay. This is a great blessing.

Sleeping - it takes time to figure this sleeping thing out. For now he is a newborn and holding and rocking should be enjoyed and cherished. I actually always followed the feed, wake, sleep cycle for my kids from the Babywise books - I rarely let the kids fall asleep after a meal. Remember that schedules are not biblical issues of life but do help in its normalcy. You will figure out what is best for him - swaddling, rocking, propping, crying for a small period of time -anything that works. Just give yourself time.

Breastfeeding - it hurts and was always something for me to get use to. I was never a comfortable breastfeeder and was something I committed to do for up to 6 months. Some babies are good latchers and feeders and some are not. Please don't get frustrated because it all sounds normal.

You are all in our prayers. Enjoy this special time of life. In a few months you will see beyond the fog of sleeplessness and realize your body can function on just a little. Take naps!! He will grow so quickly. Cherish the moments!!

Marie Wiles

P.S. Go on that trip you mentioned - this age is the best time to do it because he will sleep through most of it. We've gone camping with each of our newborns and found that the change of scenery is good for all.

Anonymous said...

Austin is adorable - I think he look just like Zach. It's fun to read the comments that have been posted. It sounds like you have good friends who can offer you valuable advice. It's also great that you had a visit from a Lactaion Consultant. I work very closely with several of them out here in California and they are such a great resource.

As for the whole sleep thing, I have learned from the Lactation Consultants that it is best to sleep when the baby sleeps and try not to be super-woman during these early weeks. Also, have you tried co-sleeping? If you do this, then you won't need to get out of bed for that 3 am feeding but baby Austin will find his way to you. Google it and you'll find more great tips on co-sleeping.
Congratulations on your newest family member! What a blessing.