Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Signs of Spring

Winter is a loooooong season in Pennsylvania, but this week I have seen some signs of spring around our house! These flowers are growing by our back porch, and there are lots of other green stems poking up from the ground in other spots. Even though the weather is still chilly more often than not, these bits of new life are so full of hope for me. I feel like God is reminding me that He will bring all our trials to an end in His good time. (Those of you who know me well know that cold weather is indeed a trial for me, but He gives grace to endure!) And if He gives grace for putting up with the weather, how much more for the larger things in life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are crocus. They are one of the earliest flowers to come up and bloom here, too. They give us hope that Spring is indeed on the way. Perhaps I won't need to pack my snow boots when I come in a few weeks for Austin's arrival.