Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How Crazy Would it be....

...to take a seven-week-old baby on a weeklong trip to Cincinnati? Because Zach and I are contemplating doing just that. The International Tuba and Euphonium Conference (aka ITEC) is in Cincinnati at the end of June. Zach needs (and wants) to go for a few reasons: he has students competing during the first few days, he himself is performing as a guest artist sometime during the conference, and his teacher from grad school is being honored near the end. All in all, he will be there for about a week. So either I stay home with Austin by myself for a week, which doesn't sound fun at all, or we pack up Austin and go as a family. We would find an extended stay hotel so we would have a mini kitchen, laundry on site, and other homey touches, but still...are we completely crazy to consider doing this?


Anonymous said...

We took Izaak to Detroit, MI when he was 6 weeks old for a wedding...We were out at the wedding-reception for oh, like 11 hours. I took an outfit per 45 minutes, and wouldn't you know that boy went through every one??!it was rather nervewracking but actually quite fun to get out and show him off and do something different!

Drollingers said...

I think they are generally easier that little. They sleep a lot. I would do it but that is me. I can't believe you are going to have a baby here so soon!!! So exciting. Andrew's in a wedding two weeks after my due date so I guess you just make whatever work.

Lindsey said...

Hm. How long is the drive? Austin may LOOOOOVE sleeping in his carseat, or...he may totally hate it and cry and scream every time he's placed in it. There is no way to know yet (and nothing really you can do about it one way or the other!). Two of mine were carseat sleepers, the third was a lot more difficult. I would *consider* taking a few hour road trip with a newborn, but nothing like 12 hours or more. Just be prepared to stop every 1-2 hours to nurse.

Maybe this is a moot point, if you're thinking of flying. That would have its challenges, but I think the whole thing could be doable. :)

Aimee said...

Not crazy at all. In fact, in my opinion 0-3 months is probably the easiest stage to travel with a baby b/c they sleep SO much at that age. The trickiest part will be traveling with all the extra baby stuff and orchestrating his nursing sessions...but you two are so organized I doubt even that will be a problem for you =) Enjoy your trip!

Lenexicon said...

I couldn't even begin to give you advice on whether to take a baby on a trip. But! I looked at your baby counter, and only 21 days to go!! That is only 3 weeks! I've had colds that lasted that long! So excited to have a nephew soon. Love you!

Aimee said...

So, I guess now he'll be 10 weeks =)