Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Progress Update

I went to the doctor today and learned that I am 2 cm dilated! I know I could stay at that point for a few weeks but it's exciting to know that something has already happened. Dr. Stever said he doesn't think I'll make it to my due date. I realize that kind of prediction is notoriously inaccurate, but a girl can hope, right? Just hearing him say it prompted me to come home and do some more baby preparations like putting sheets on the Pack n Play (which we are going to use as a bassinet) and getting the carseat ready, though. Don't want to be caught off guard if Austin arrives sooner than we've been expecting.


Ashley M said...

Courtney! That's so exciting. Call me if you need anything AND when you're on your way to the hospital (is that too much to ask? if it is, then don't worry about it)!

praying for you,

Gran Collins said...

Courtney, This is such exciting news! Pops and I are so anxious to meet our grandson! We are praying for your comfort and a safe delivery! I know that your are in God's hands and that He will protect you and provide for your needs! We love you!

Gran Collins said...
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Aimee said...

How exciting! Please please please call us as soon as you go into labor and we'll get a prayer chain going. I can either send out an email or make phone calls...whatever you'd prefer. We can't wait!

Lindsey said...

Hahaha! I just got a phone call from Sandy W... :)

Aimee said...

Man, I guess your doctor knows his stuff! Congratulations! We can't wait to see pictures =)