Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Rest of Our Week

Today is our last day in Cincinnati. It has been a tiring week for Zach--there have been activities and concerts going on from 8AM to after midnight every day--but he has made a lot of great professional contacts and heard some great performances. We are certainly glad we came.

Mom left yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday we did some shopping and some relaxing at the hotel with Austin. Thanks for suggesting the Gap/Old Navy outlet, Miranda! I got some shirts for myself and some 6-12 month stuff for Austin. I got at least 10 items and I spent under $40. Wow!

Austin has learned some new skills in the past week or so. Right before we left for Cincy he figured out how to grasp stuff like these keys. Or rather, we figured out how to stick the keys in his hand and sometimes he doesn't drop them! So far he will only hold things in his right hand. Perhaps an early sign of right-handedness? (Sorry for the poor video quality--Zach has the nice camera with him at the conference today.)

Then just yesterday, Austin figured out how to suck his hand. I hope it can maybe become his preferred way to self-soothe so he doesn't get too dependent on a paci. But we'll see. So far today he definitely did not use it to soothe himself to sleep--he stayed awake almost all morning because he was only happy in my arms and was fussy when I even got near the pack n play! But isn't he cute?

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