Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Zoo Day

Mom and I took Austin to the zoo yesterday. He slept 90% of the day (the heat, probably) so I was not able to get adorable "Austin with the animals" pictures like I'd hoped. This is the best we could do--he was awake just long enough to take a picture...but no animals in sight. (We're outside a restroom just after changing his diaper.) Doesn't he look excited to be there?

But Austin's sleepiness didn't stop Mom and me from having fun. The Cincinnati Zoo is pretty cool. They have lots of primates, which are generally my favorite animals to watch. If I could only see one animal at a zoo, it would probably be the gorillas. Here's the big silverback male of Cincinnati's collection. (Tribe? Pack? Whatever you call a group of gorillas.)

1 comment:

Sayling the Range said...

Courtney, don't know how much longer you'll be there, but a few more ideas from friends of ours in Cincy--the Newport (KY) Aquarium and the Cininnati Museum Center (3 museums in one) Enjoy!