Sunday, June 22, 2008

Road Trip

Zach and I drove to Cincinnati today because ITEC (the International Tuba and Euphonium Conference) starts tomorrow. Austin did great in the car--he slept a lot and hardly fussed at all about being in his carseat for the better part of seven hours. It feels like we moved half of his nursery into our hotel room (you cannot pack too many burp cloths for this child) but I think we'll be pretty comfortable here for the next week. The best part is that Grandma Susan met us here this afternoon. She hasn't seen Austin since he was ten days old! So while Daddy is busy at the conference, Grandma, Mommy, and Austin will dedicate themselves to having fun. Anybody know of cool stuff to do in Cincinnati?


Ashley M said...

You can never go wrong with the zoo! Also, used all the veggies already. Thanks again!

Lindsey said...

Awesome, you decided to go! How wonderful that Austin is a car-baby. :) My first two were, generally, and #3 was NOT! I think there is hope for our newest--he seems to conk right out when we are in the car. He's only been on 3 carrides, though! :)

I hope you have a great time!

Sayling the Range said...

I've heard great things about the creation museum ( We've not been there yet, but Al Mohler gives it 2 thumbs up :) My primary reason for ever travelling to Cincy from Columbus was to go to the GAP/Old Navy/Banana Republic outlet store--it the company's own factory store (not in an outlet mall) and you couldn't beat the $10 might not be up for clothes shopping yet though?!? ;) the address for the outlet is 2050 Global Way, Hebron, KY (just across from Cincy.) Also, if you want "worldclass ribs" check out Montgomery Inn restaurant...if I think of anything else I'll let you know!